Developer of the BerkeleyGW code: Developed the interface between QUANTUM ESPRESSO and BerkeleyGW, pw2bgw.x, making BerkeleyGW supportive to all kinds of metaGGA/hybrid functionals for GW-BSE calculations, for spinless, collinear & noncollinear spin calculations (Core feature for BerkeleyGW 3.0 release).
Github: https://github.com/FangzhouZhao
Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/FangzhouZhao
Instructor of BerkeleyGW workshop
Instructor and co-organizer at the annual BerkeleyGW workshop and conference, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA, 2020-2022
- Presented tutorials about using the interface between QUANTUM ESPRESSO and BerkeleyGW
Graduate Simulation Seminar Series (GS^3) @ UCSB
Co-organized a 10-week seminar program from July 13 to Sept. 14 2022, featuring talks from a diverse set of graduate students and/or postdocs at multiple departments in UCSB who use simulation in their research including simulations for quantum information sciences.
Vice president of the Chinese Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Association (CGPSA) at UC Berkeley, 2018-2019
VP of Department of Finance and Administration, keep the financial account, manage the financial situation of CGPSA
Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Physical Review Materials, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Acta Materialia, NPJ computational materials, Physical Review Applied, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, IET Electric Power Applications, among others